Sunday, June 25, 2006

Back to the real world

Well, we made it home from a week long vacation today around 6pm. We took the time to unpack, start laundry, pick up some Sonic tea (which I've missed terribly!) and mexican food, then I started my 2 mile run. I can't wait for the day I can run the whole thing. I went a different route tonight. I stopped at the end of the block to talk to our neighbors who went to the same vacation spot we did but we never met up with them. THen started my run. First mile was 10:43, second was 11:33. I"m finding out some very interesting things about running.

First I can run a mile faster if I walk a little more in there. When my legs would get tired, I'd walk fast for 30 seconds then start running again. My second mile I realized if I took longer strides, I could run for a longer stretch. Don't know why, but even running more of the mile I was slower than taking the 30 second walk recoveries. Strange ..... but what do I know?

I realized that several years of listening to Edwin talk about fartleks, speedwork, overpronators and other things that I wasn't really interested in at the time, some of the things came to me as I was running and finally made some sense. I"m definitely an overpronator, meaning unless I really focus and pay attention I just look like a duck running out there, with my toes wanting to turn out. So especially when a car would come towards me I would focus on bringing my toes forward so I didn't look stupid. I think you have to "look" like you know what you're doing out there too, try not to look like your dying or out of breath.

Now I just need my own iPod .......


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