Sunday, July 23, 2006

I did it! I 5k'd

OK - I finally just went out and did it. I was determined to go the whole 3.1 miles. So I took off about 8:15pm tonight. I had trusty Pedro, HR monitor, mp3 player, plenty of OFF and a last swig of water.

About 0.5 mile I felt a weird cramp-like feeling along the outside of my uppper thigh, weird feeling but it didn't hurt, so I kept going. I was surprised that I heard Pedro beep when I hit my 1 mile mark and had not stopped to walk yet. I saw two ladies running way up ahead of me and I tried to catch up to them to see who they were. I walked for one minute at this time, the one mile mark. Then started running again to see if I could catch them. Never did :) I walked another minute sometime during that second mile, ran a little, walked another minute of that mile and saw I had reached 1.5 miles so I turned around and headed back home. I ran all the way back I think, maybe a quick stop to let a car go thru an intersection but no walking.

Here's the stats! Notice the "negative split" on mile 3. Edwin laughs at me when I use "real" running words . . .

Mile 1 - 10:28 - (ran whole way)
Mile 2 - 12:01 - (walked total of 3 minutes)
Mile 3 - 10:27 - (ran whole way)
0.1 - 2:48
Total Time: 35:44
Avg HR - 184

I'm sure the reason I'm not losing much weight (though I did see a weird 2.5 lb drop yesterday after spending 4 hours at the beach chasing kids for pictures, my weight NEVER fluctuates) is because my heart rate stays too high, I'm not in the Fat Burning rate levels, I don't know how to lower that unless I just walk.

But I DID IT! Another goal accomplished. Weird thing is it didn't even hurt or make me tired. Maybe I can do it every run now . . .


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet the two ladies you saw were Mrs. Pounds and Mrs. Garcia-Meiten. They run together and I see them running a lot.

At 5:28 AM, Blogger Junie B said...

way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Sarah said...


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

GREAT, Donna!!! How much is "much weight?" Have you lost any? You have to incur a -3500 calorie deficit to just lose one pound of fat. If all you're doing is running and have not cut back on caloric intake, you may not see a huge weight loss. They say that you burn about 100 calories per mile, regardless of speed or heart rate. This is just a rough estimate. Of course, a very heavy person like me burns more calories carrying my big butt 1 mile than a normal person would.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Donna said...

Vic - OK "not much" should read "NONE" - I haven't lost any weight, until this little drop, which was probably fluid being out at the beach all day.

You would think someone who can maintain their weight sitting at a computer all day with no exercise, would lose a little 5-10lbs at least, once they start doing any kind of exercise. I mean really for the past 2 years building my business I have done NO exercise of any kind. Unless you count walking around locations and squatting and bending to photograph fast kids or weddings.

It doesnt' make sense to my logical mind.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger equarles said...

hey, you still running? well....


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