Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back in the saddle again

So after a one week hiatus, I put on the running shoes again. Monday night my neighbor said she was running at 8:30pm did I want to go. I really didn't feel like it but Edwin encouraged me to go. So we ran our 2 miles and walked a .5 mile cool down. Ran the two miles, surprisingly, in 21:35. I really thought I would not have been able to run the whole 2 miles after such a long break. But I did!

Then at 8am the next morning (yesterday) we ran 2 miles again, at just at 22 minutes. But wow! The cool front had come thru, it was about 75 degress, low humidity and the sun was behind clouds. That was a nice way to run! If only every day could be like that!

Today it was still cooler than normal. We ran 2 miles in about 22 minutes again, but my legs were a little sore. My hamstrings started cramping up. It was easier not to quit while having a partner. If I had run by myself I probably would have come home after the cramping started, but I kept at it.

After a shower I used a bunch of BioFreeze, which I highly recommend! I got it from my chiropractor and it's better than the Theragesic or SportsCreme. And now there's no soreness. I'm on schedule to run again tomorrow.

I hope the weather stays this nice for a while.

Weight update: Finally starting to see the numbers go down a tad - 5 pounds lighter, but it's taken me 3 months to do it. I'm thinking I might add a nightly power walk a few nights a week at a lower heart rate to burn some of that fat :)


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